Does Covid-19 Cease Startups from Hiring?
The new normal presented by the pandemic of Covid-19 has led business across industries to adjust their approach to success and startup is...
Coffee Talk with Alia — Head of Ops for CEO Office at Evermos
Meet Alia. She is the head of operations for the CEO Office for Evermos, a social commerce company focusing on enabling resellers to sell...
Coffee Talk with Gabriela Tudorina, Senior Investment Analyst at Alpha JWC
I cannot help but to become intrigued when I was first assigned to interview Gaby, having only known her for a while as this is only my...
Alpha JWC Ventures x Garuda HQ Career Fair 2021
Last month, we launched The Alpha Hub, a community platform with a vision to connect Indonesian home and abroad with the tech ecosystem...
Daftar 5 Startup Unicorn Indonesia, Penyumbang Ekonomi Digital Terbesar
Istilah unicorn memang bukan sesuatu yang baru lagi di telinga kita. Namun untuk sebagian orang, masih belum tahu makna di balik kata...
The Differences Between Unicorn, Decacorn, and Hectocorn
With the development of technology and the ever-changing consumer behaviors, the number of new startup companies keeps increasing....
Why Corporate Financial Management is Important?
Corporate financial management is not a new thing. However, there are still many people who do not know what it is and its advantages. ...
Inflation: Definition, Causes and The Impact
Every year, every country in the world faces the phenomenon of inflation. This is sometimes unavoidable for several reasons....
Seed Funding and Ways to Get Investors for Startups
In running a business, investment is one of the strategies to develop and grow the business. An investment can be obtained even if the...
Top 24 Venture Capitals & Angel Investors in Singapore
Every country has fluctuating economic movement. Those economic movements may impact many other aspects, including the human development...