The quality of the workforce significantly influences a company’s progress. Therefore, it is not only important to recruit quality talents but also to manage them so that they continue to stay and contribute their best to the company.
If not managed or strategized correctly, a company can lose its best asset, which is its digital workforce. Managing a digital workforce in a company also requires a different approach than the approach used for the pre-digital workforce era.
There are six aspects and ways that need to be considered in managing employees. Check out the full explanation below!
Company Culture
Referring to ASEAN’s Growth & Scale Talent Playbook, company culture is considered the third most important aspect after salary and employee facilities beyond salary. Company culture is also the second biggest reason why employees choose to resign. Although it may seem trivial, company culture directly impacts both employees and the company itself.
There are five things that need to be implemented and considered in company culture:
Open Communication
In open communication, dialogue is not only conducted among employees of equal positions but also with mentors and seniors. Additionally, leaders also provide space for employees to express their ideas.
Good Leadership
Good leadership combines both rational and emotional aspects. This means leaders must exemplify the behavior they expect from their employees.
Moreover, companies can also provide leadership training for their employees, tailored to the culture they are building.
Management Bridges the Gap Between Leaders and Teams
Managers, as intermediaries between employees and leaders, must be able to translate leaders’ wishes to employees and vice versa.
Flexible Employment Agreements
Startup employees tend to prefer flexible jobs, especially in terms of time and place. Flexible employment agreements can be somewhat complicated, but companies can address this by setting clear working hours, specifying employees’ availability outside working hours, and providing schedules for in-office work, especially for important meetings.
Values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion, often referred to as DEI, are essential. A good company promotes these values and implements them in daily activities through policies, events, and complaint services.
Talent Acquisition
Talent acquisition is the process of identifying and acquiring employees with the best talents to meet the company’s needs. Properly executed talent acquisition processes increase the likelihood of acquiring suitable employees.
Here are four tips that can be applied in acquiring the best talent for the company:
Identify Candidates Based on Goals and Outstanding Skills
Identify candidates based on goals and outstanding skills to ensure they can fulfill their responsibilities effectively.
Expand Recruitment Reach Through Flexible Recruitment Requirements
Flexibility, such as age, gender, highest education, and more, should be applied in recruitment requirements. Often, restrictions on these criteria reduce the company’s chances of finding the best candidates, especially for startups.
Create an Enjoyable Recruitment System
It’s essential to make the recruitment process enjoyable so that candidates are more enthusiastic and complete the process. From the pre-recruitment phase, create job ads that clearly include company culture and compensation.
Throughout the recruitment process, continue communicating and following up with candidates. Provide time estimates from one stage to another. HR should also have deadlines for submitting recruitment results to management, users, and leaders.
Communicate Company Expectations to Candidates
Ensure this is done from the beginning. What needs to be communicated? Firstly, the job scope and expected outputs. Secondly, the facilities and infrastructure the company has to help candidates achieve their targets. Thirdly, career development opportunities.
Career Development
The next way to manage employees is through well-thought-out career development. Most candidates today see career development as a crucial factor when applying to a company.
Data from the ASEAN Growth and Scale Talent Playbook shows that 24% of employees choose to resign when they do not have opportunities for development in their workplace.
There are three stages to career development: defining a career roadmap, performance management, and training and development.
Talent Retention
Talent retention is a company’s ability to retain its potential employees to keep them loyal to the company. This is crucial because frequent employee turnover can affect company productivity.
Several ways to retain talent include mapping the reasons employees resign, both internally and externally, identifying high-performing employees, creating an alumni network, and providing counseling services.
Rewards and Compensation
Compensation is always a primary consideration for employees before deciding to join a company. Therefore, companies must create the best compensation and benefit schemes for their employees.
Three aspects need to be considered when creating a compensation scheme:
Fair Compensation Based on Company Conditions and Employee Competence and Performance
Exceeding Compensation and Benefits Compared to Other Companies
Clear and Easily Understood Compensation Explanation
Benefits provided to employees can include healthcare access, leave and flexibility in working hours, mentoring, and training and education.
Talent Enablement Infrastructure
The five aspects explained earlier are part of the broader talent enablement infrastructure scheme, consisting of company culture, diversity, talent acquisition, career development, performance management, and compensation.
The needs of digital talents in today’s era should be balanced with the separation of HR divisions: one for non-digital talents and one for digital talents.
So, those are six tips for managing digital workers. A more detailed version can be read in ASEAN’s Growth & Scale Talent Playbook. In it, you’ll find not only ways to manage digital workers but also an overview of the needs of digital workers in ASEAN, predictions of challenges in the digital era for companies and candidates, and much more.
Download it for free here now!