Users occasionally encounter new features that have been added or changed over time when using software or applications. Almost no software products or applications are instantly perfect the first time they are presented to the public.
The iteration process or iterative plays an important role in developing software products or applications. For startups that produce either of the two products, iteration is important because it does not demand perfection. The iterative process can help ensure products are well-tested and ready for the market. So, what exactly is the iteration process, and why is it important for startups that develop software or applications? Read the full explanation below!
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What is the Iteration or Iterative Process?

What is iterative process for startup
The iterative process is a software development model that breaks up large processes into small, simple stages. This division accelerates the development process so that feature implementation can be executed immediately without delay.
In other words, the iterative process is product development with experiments in which each stage is immediately executed and released to the users. This method accelerates software development without waiting for the finished product to be perfect. The process of creating and releasing features is repeated so that the software can develop according to the users’ needs. This process differs from the traditional product development method called “waterfall,” where the product development process is carried out from start to finish and only then released to the public.
On the contrary, the iterative process starts with the simplest form. After launching and getting feedback, any existing defects or problems will be fixed. Each part, called an iteration, describes the overall development process, which contains the steps of planning, design, development, and testing.
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Iterative Process Stages
There are several stages in the iteration process, namely:
The first stage is planning, which sets specific details such as hardware or software requirements and the next stage.
Next, the analysis stage is required to install the database model, business logic, and other tools needed for this stage. Design is also included in the analysis stage.
Implementation and Coding Process
The design process, product specifications, and planning are carried out at this stage.
Next, a testing procedure is carried out to see if there are any problems or bugs.
At this stage, all strengths, weaknesses, and input are thoroughly evaluated to develop better products.
After these stages are completed, the iterative process returns to the first stage to be repeated.
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The Benefits and Importance of Iteration for Startups

What is iterative process for startup
The iterative process has several benefits, namely:
a. Early correction
The iterative process is done step by step from a very simple product form, so identification and correction can be made if there are errors at the beginning of the process.
b. Easier production of the new version
The production of the software’s new version will be easier because each iteration stage is well-documented. That way, developers only need to ensure each new iteration is a better version than the previous one.
c. Easy to get feedback
Feedback will be present at every iteration stage after the product is launched to users. Because it is released whenever there is a new feature, there is no need to wait for the product to be perfect to get feedback. That way, it will also be easier for developers to make improvements at a later stage.
d. Saving time
The iterative process is also much more time-efficient compared to the waterfall method because the documentation time is shorter.
e. Improving adaptability
The iterative process that is carried out relatively quickly makes the development team more adaptive to suit the needs of projects, clients, or users.
f. Products are completed faster
Even though it is a recurring cycle with many stages, the iterative process offers a fast completion process.
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The iterative process is important for startups because it suits small teams. In general, startups initially consist of a small team before developing into a larger one. In product development, there are usually several iteration stages, such as iteration 1, iteration 2, iteration 3, and so on.
The cycle is always the same in each iteration, beginning with design, followed by development, and ending with testing. The result of iteration 1 is generally a simple product containing only the most basic things. However, this product can be used, but there are certainly many shortcomings still, such as bugs here and there. Next, in iteration 2, the bugs will be fixed. The same goes for iteration 3, iteration 4, and so on until the existing product features are as desired.
In conclusion, the iterative process is important for startups because, other than being able to help develop products faster, it can also be applied to small teams. With an iterative process, products can be quickly introduced to the public, and users can provide direct feedback on the developed features.
The iterative process also shows that product development is best carried out continuously to meet the ever-changing needs of users. Software development through an iterative process is also more cost-effective because the product release is done immediately after the features are ready for use.
So, that explains the iterative process and its importance for startups. Hope it helps!